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Developing Your Training Program
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Developing Your Training Program

Training is an essential element of development in any organization. Beingknowledgeable and continuing to learn throughout your career can make you a veryvaluable asset. We also know that training and orientation (or ‘onboarding’) for newlyhired employees is a key factor in retention.In order for training to be valuable, the person that designs and plans the training musthave an excellent understanding of what the training objectives are. In addition, if thetrainer is able to research the strategic objectives of the company providing the trainingto their staff, what resources are available, and what elements of those plans canenhance the training experience, the entire experience is much more meaningful. At thesame time, if a trainer is aware of any barriers that training could present (such astrainees being on call during a session, having to spread training over a long period oftime, or trainees who are not accustomed to theory or classroom types ofpresentations), then the trainer can present a much stronger program that is tailoredspecifically to the participants’ needs.This two-day workshop is designed for a trainer who wants to develop training programsthat are meaningful, practical, and will benefit both trainees and the organizations theywork for.
