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News entry by TAG Digital Training

‘Abu-Ghazaleh Global’ and Umniah Sign Strategic Partnership

‘Abu-Ghazaleh Global’ and Umniah Sign Strategic Partnership

AMMAN – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder
and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), has patronized the
signing ceremony of a partnership agreement between Umniah and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
for Technology (TAGTech), a member of TAG.Global.

The agreement aims to integrate Umniah's
ultra-fast 5G and Fiber offers with the TAG.Global’s extensive services, a
partnership that would effectively provide integrated technology solutions that
meet the growing needs of Umniah's clients.

In this regard, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed
TAG.Global’s eagerness in cooperating with Umniah – the leading company in the
Jordanian telecommunications sector – expecting that this partnership would
positively contribute to supporting TAG.Global’s clients enabling them to
obtain value-added services and innovative and effective solutions that enrich
their digital experiences.

For his part, Umniah CEO, Mr. Faisal
Qamhiyah, said: “We are pleased to announce this important strategic
partnership with TAG.Global, through which we strive to provide integrated
solutions that meet the growing needs of our customers, in the field of digital
transformation”, pointing out that this cooperation will open new horizons and
contribute effectively to promoting innovation and growth in technological and
professional fields at the global level.

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